Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Dogs

Hello class,

This is the first blog I have ever written. I selected Google for my search engine.  I think Google is awesome, because whenever I have a question in regards to my dogs, whether they are sick or have had an accident, or I need a nearby veterinarian hospital, I always get an answer. Also, I have learned how to prepare many dishes, that I always wanted to cook from Google recipe searches, including dog treat recipes.

Allow me to introduce my family:  My wife, Terry, the blonde Pomerian is Starbuck (not like the coffee, but named after the hero/heroine of Battlestar Gallactica for all of you Sci-Fi fans); Halo is the Shepard who watches after all of us; and then, the chocolate morsel is our goofy, I-don't-know-what mix, named Indiana Jones.  Yes, after Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones character--and he totally lives up to his name.  He was a huge "leap of faith" and we are enjoying every crazy minute. 


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